Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Secret to Powerful Affirmations | Journey to a Successful Self

Many individuals religiously practice the art of consciously launching positive affirmations that will enhance their health, relationships, finances and other areas of their lives. All too often however this process reaps few rewards and leaves in its wake much disappointment and disillusionment with the entire process. Most individuals who promote such strategies miss in my view the most significant component to creating powerful, self sustaining, and life enhancing affirmations. What is that?

That component is the strength of what many have referred to as one?s Life Force Energy. This has also been referred to as the level of one?s Vibrational Energy or Frequency. Let me explain.

In short an affirmation has several components that make it effective.

Firstly there is the intention i.e. the ?thought? of the desired outcome, e.g. better health.

Secondly there is the feeling of desire for this outcome that drives and supports it.

Finally, there is the ability to let the affirmation go once it is launched trusting faithfully that it will magnetically find its way to the outcome. This implies trying not to figure out how it is meant to happen.

So where does Life Force Energy or Vibrational Energy/Frequency enter into this?

In large part it plays a critical role in the second item i.e. the feeling of desire for the outcome.

You see the feeling of desire for an outcome is the driving force that gives that intention/affirmation life and power to manifest on its own. That is because an effective affirmation must be a ?living thing? just like you and me. Without the ?energy of life? supporting it it will wither away and die.

So how can one boost one?s Life Force Energy in order to empower one?s affirmations?

The answer to this question brings into focus one of the most significant and overlooked problems that human beings face. That is the fact that their Life Force Energy is being constantly being depleted from their minds/bodies in every moment. That is evident by the fact that we are all in a state of dying i.e. a state of Life Force Energy depletion.

Now I realize many of you will think that nothing can be done about this, that in fact in my view, is not true.

Life Force Energy is essentially depleted from within our bodies by the stored negative memories of life history that we each define ourselves by. You can readily see this by recalling one of your own negative memories. While you do simply notice how it is draining your ?energy? i.e. your Life Force Energy thereby killing you!

So having said that, in order to boost one?s affirmations one must be able to put a stop to this depletion of life energy.

There is a way to do that: simply erase/release those memories (which I refer to as Life Force Energy Parasites) from within one?s mind/body/energy field once and for all.

This is now possible!

In doing so one?s rapidly and permanently experiences an increase in one?s Life Force Energy and in the efficacy of one?s affirmations.

To learn more about erasing memories visit the web link below.

By: Nick Arrizza, M.D.

About the Author:

Nick Arrizza MD is the developer of the Mind Resonance Process? (MRP) that powerfully and permanently erases negative memories.

To learn more about MRP, experience a free 1 hour telephone consultation or to listen to a pre-recorded internet radio program on it visit the web links below.

He is a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator who lives in Toronto, Canada. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc..

Web Site: or contact me at:



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