Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What To Charge Your Fitness Clients - Fitness Business Interviews

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How Much To Charge Fitness ClientsSo in the grand scheme of things when it comes to running a successful fitness business, figuring out what to charge your fitness clients isn?t really a major issue. Except when?

You are just starting out.

There probably isn?t a week that goes by where I don?t get someone asking me ?what should I charge.?

Honestly there are a million answers to that, and it can be a difficult decision sometimes. So what I did was get together a bunch of top fitness entrepreneurs and have them share how much they charge and what type of training they do. That way you can get a great idea to figure out what is the right amount to charge your clients.


  2. Yep, if you?re just starting out you are going to probably undervalue your worth and services. You?re going to think that you need to start with a lower price just to compete with everyone else. I went through that, and so did most fitness pros when they started out.

    It?s not until you realize that you?re busting your ass, and not getting what you feel is right that you start to understand what your worth is.

    If this is an issue for you and you afraid that you wont get clients because you charge too much, remember this?

    You are changing and saving lives.

    If your life needed changing wouldn?t you be willing to pay way more that a few bucks per month?

    The other thing to remember about competing on price is that if you charge less to compete against the competition, you become a commodity. Your clients could just up and go someplace else that?s cheaper.

    Charge the right amount, and put in so much value that it looks like what you are charging is ridiculous.

    It?s the results you get, what you give, and how you treat your clients that will make your higher price worth it.

  3. Know Your Market Demographics
  4. Obviously I said in the first tip that you shouldn?t charge a low price. But a low price and high price are determined by your market.

    There are a lot of fit pros that would probably disagree with me here, that you?re market doesn?t matter that much as long as you provide a ton of value for a charging more. But in my experience it does.

    If you live in an area where the average income is around $20k per year, charging $500+ per month for a bootcamp wont fly.

    So there is some finesse in finding the sweet spot based on where you live. Don?t be afraid to be on the higher end. Just get results, deliver value, and be better than everyone else and you can charge more.

  5. Know Your Worth
  6. If you are training for a gym or someone else and know you make $25 per session use that as a benchmark to set your rates for your own business.

    Remember to take into account your not only your demographics, but also what expenses you are going to have. If you?re going to do 1 on 1 training and think that you?re going to to charge $12 per session or something crazy like that, you?ll never make it.

    You?ll get overwhelmed because you?ll have a ton of pain in the ass clients (because you are so cheap) and you wont be able to find any good trainers to hire because they wont make any money with you. Plus you?ll never cover your expenses.

    So know your worth.

    I guess with these additional tips on what to charge your clients there is a common theme. That?s don?t be the cheapo trainer. Every successful fit pro I speak with has told me one of the biggest mistakes they made was charging too little.

    So don?t be that guy (or girl) and charge what you?re worth.

    Will it make things a little harder at first because people don?t know the value you provide?

    Yes, but you?ll get better quality clients, and have a better fitness business in the long run.

    So make sure you know what to charge your fitness clients when you are starting out.

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Source: http://www.fitnessbusinessinterviews.com/charge-your-fitness-clients/

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