Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Video: Syrian forces fire rockets at Damascus

>>> developing news out of syria. this is amateur video . rebels say it shows syrian forces firing rockets at targets in the capital of da mass occur. a mortar slammed into a suburban school killing 29 students and a teacher. the news agency blamed it on rebels. the rebels have made gains in recent weeks. now, this new violence coming amid growing concerns. president asad is preparing to use chemical weapons against his own people. it prompted the certain warning from the president.

>> i want to make it absolutely clear to assad and those under his command the world is watching. the use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences and you will be held accountable.

>> jim miklaszewski joins us live. nato foreign leaders including secretary of state clinton are in brussels today expressing concerns of what we hear possibly out of syria.

>> tamron , here's what triggered the concerns. the rebels are making significant gains on damascus itself, and there are fears within the obama administration that president assad may be on the verge of panicking because he looks like he's becoming desperate. over the past couple of days intelligence sources reported that somebody in the regime had told the chemical weapons corps to be prepared. at the same time there was a flurry of renewed activity at a number of the chemical wep sites in and around the damascus area indicating to u.s. officials that it appeared at least the syrians were at least preparing to get ready to mix the precursor chemicals that would enable it to weaponize the artillery shells with deadly nerve gas . i can tell you today despite all these warning signs , tamron , u.s. officials are reporting, number one, that there's still no sign that these precursor chemicals have been moved. number two, there has been no sign that any of them have been weaponized, the artillery shells , and three, it looks like at least that people are just in the preparation stage just in case there should be an order to resort to chemical weapons . so far we're far from that according to u.s. officials, tamron .

>> what are u.s. officials saying about iran's claim it captured a u.s. drone?

>> first of all, the u.s. navy has strongly denied it has lost any of the drones in question. the scan eagle drones. now, navy officials admit they look at this iranian video and say, that is a scan eagle . quite frankly a scan eagle drone are very common there in the persian gulf . a number of persian gulf countries own them. there's indication that iran stole or purchased under the table a scan eagle drone from one of the gulf state nations. they are insisting this is not a u.s. navy scan eagle drone. that iranian didn't capture a drone and write it off as iranian propoganda.


hook troy miracle andy whitfield

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