We have to achieve high targets of productivity by vertical expansion as horizontal land expansion is just not possible. Passing on information to farmers is basic fundamental of any extension activity. Factors influencing communication range from person, his personality, his social relation, knowledge, the social and economic parameters of farmers. The technologies for the site-specific field operations and automated data recording are available, but precision agriculture rarely involves them for improvement. The decision have to be supported with information not only on marketing, international safety stands but also on a law regulating agencies and regulations too. 5. With use of DDT the toll of death reduced to 17 in 1963. 3. The knowledge of computer hardware, software as well interlinking the information dissemination channels and outlets is essential. 1. Therefore courses on I&C with computer applications is must. The buzz word for future in this regard is intelligent pest Management (IPM). Our Agricultural exports from 12 agricultural items has been up and now we export around 18.45% agricultural good in the shape of apiculture, floriculture, fresh fruits, mushroom, spices, sugar, molasses, rice, tropical fruit juices, pulp, concentrates and even agro-chemicals. This rotation of modernity and traditionality taxed us heavily. The global market access opportunity limit of 3% import shall further complicate the issues. Reduced soil depth has resulted into low productivity, increases soil runoffs and drought like conditions. The STAR (Speedy Transmission after reception) service provides access to digital satellite data products in full resolution or compressed format within 12 hrs of a Satellite overpass. 4. The questions often asked are, can we sustain or even maintain our productivity levels by resorting to the organic farming?. 2. A Comprehensive study of 23 review papers and a dozen book and journals was presented by (Wani 2005). Resource conservation & proper utilization needs adequate knowledge, which could be obtained through advanced satellite system and relied back through communication mechanism. The available communication facilities for agricultural information in 15 states of India were studied. In Mahrastra a survey showed that the depth of black soil was 60 cms in 1910 which has reduced now. Technology awareness and application is must to produce more per unit of land. We left our traditional organic farming for adopting chemical farming, which landed us in trouble. The role of politics and politicians should be minimal in national extension delivery system. A mixed agriculture University and Education set ups is our necessity. Annually we loose 5000 Million Tones of top soil with NPK losses of 5-8 Million tones per year. It is not only the yield which matters, but the benefit /cost ratio. If we think of Asia specific Agriculture, we have to play a significant role in the region which has 60% of the world population. The high yielding varieties and new technologies were webbed with chemical farming. Joint problem solving sessions and communications networking of information on agriculture has improved sugarcane production in Mauritius (Jhoty et al; 2001). We have 65% small and marginal farmers whose awareness potential is low. Their knowledge expectation, experiences and perception needs monitoring and evaluation before technology transfer. The globalization of agriculture marketing has put forth new challenges. 6. Quality assurance, means strengthening resources, information and maintenance of educational infrastructure. A new model of mechanics in Agricultural and allied curricula is to be integrated, unified and fine tuned to end results. He has to be well versed with objectives, problem, targets and implementation process. The export needs knowledge and new inventions need patenting. More participation of farmers in planning and execution of project like mega seed or mission horticulture is needed. By now, we face land degradation problems in 173 million hectares which is around 53% of cultivated land. Over 65% of our farmers are small holders. The whole system of National Agricultural Research, extension and field functionaries have registered a fatigue. We have to use more technology based cropping system to increase productivity per unit land. We have 45-50 state/deemed or central agricultural Universities and 200 general universalities with 48 agricultural faculties. A new concept of Farmer school with communication system can resolve 70% problems of farmers on spot. Economic constraints, situational factors and communication gaps on crop production, protection, seed treatment and fertilizer application were found responsible for it (Jaiswal et al, 2002). The communication networking has to become cost effective. Fruits, nuts and vegetables have increased our export earnings. However a total connectivity is needed with farmers, farm organizations and utilization departments to harvest the gains of technological reforms to increase our exports. 8. The students-teacher relationship has raised to spiritual horizons. This network may consist of an open software platform, which can be operated by the farmer himself. State Agriculture Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI) may help to make adjustments in our farming system so as to integrate agriculture, aquaculture, water conservation and livestock rearing with new technology driven profit earning enterprises. The technological know how generated over years is still on shelf. Academic quality, Accreditation; Desired knowledge, Assessment, Skill and competence building and academic audit. Thus we need to regulate grants and centre-state relations rationally. Access to education and training to people below the poverty line, rural youth and women is to be ensured. We do have a chance as our yields are lower than many counties and even our neighboring countries (Samra & sastry 2002). The Blending of modern technology of today and traditional technology of yester years, may answer this question. The technologies generated are mostly for commercial farmers. Even today we have critical gaps existing in productivity of food grains between technology using farms and traditional farming practices. In Mahrastra a survey showed that the depth of black soil was 60 cms in 1910 which has reduced now. The effect of rooting zone restriction (RZR) on vegetative and reproductive growth of fruit trees viz grapes, peach and citrus has been investigated. The small holders have not only limited hold on land but on information too. These have been strengthened in the SAU and ICAR institutions in the last few years. The new pressures of Global marketing. The barriers of customs, veil, religion and social bondages could be overcomed by educating them through TV, cassettes, e-mails or other modern communication appliances. Even today we have critical gaps existing in productivity of food grains by use of technology and those produced at traditional farmer?s field. Growth rate of 1-2% has put pressures on our economy. The ways and means in this direction shall be discussed in this paper. Annually we loose 5000 Million Tones of top soil with NPK losses of 5-8 Million tones per year. 3. Therefore, ICAR has to formulate policies and programmes in Agri-export orientation. 2. This is important as consumption rates, purchasing power and employment prospects increase. Even the word Bauern or Landliche Gebiete (German), peasant or country side (English) campagne, brousse/paysan(French) and Campo/Campesino Spanish denote that extension work is a mission. In urban India we use 1000 crores of pestices in domestic homes. About 18% of it has turned as shallow land. We produce 10,000 under graduate 5500 post graduates and 1600 Ph.D in agriculture every years . We can announce technology practices or even demonstrate them. Therefore, we need our own innovative educational and training policies. Our aim to double our per hac productivity needs more technical manpower in extension, industry and at gross root level. Therefore , a vast potential and resource is hidden in it. Unfortunately our food grain-production pace has declined. The impact of integrated approach utilizing computers in agricultural information & dissemination in Greece and Poland was studied. Now we do talk of ecologically based pest management instead of integrated pest Management (IPM) . The scientific out put in agriculture is highest in USA with 27 lac publication/year followed by Japan, Germany, U.K, France, Canada, Italy, Russia, China and Australia. (Wang et al. Training skills, up-gradation and rural orientation at University level, refinement and more innovative participatory mode at farmers field. Thus, the knowledge and experiences of farmers, psychological values, expectations, needs and attitudes are to be organized. (Tzortzios et al 2001). The basic need for learning process is communication. In the ?Unique Selling? approach of the communicator effects target audience. Thus, transfer of technology has not to be limited to man methods, publication, leaflets, folders, bulletins, newsletters, journals, magazine, news paper publication, rural farm broadcasts or television interviews but has to be supplemented with video conferencing, massive awareness campaigns through video cassettes, cable net works and other local farm telecasts. II. Swaminathan has quoted figures as of 160 million tones of rice from 40m hac of land, thereby setting the productivity target of 4 t/h. This system provides Satellite data on critical applications, like crop yield modeling, pre-harvest crop production forecasting, detecting crop diseases, monitoring crop stress, pest infestation, floods, fires and oil-spills. Women, the half of agricultural work force is still unawares of the technological skills. Reduced soil depth has resulted into low productivity, increases soil runoffs and drought like conditions. The Australian centre for remote sensing (ACRES) has introduced a new service to provide satellite data for near real time applications. They add to our unemployed pool. The gap in technology known and applied at farmers field was found. This needs a continued and farmer friendly policies of sustainable agriculture. He has to make situation analysis and avoid group clashes in the country side. Our yields too are low to compete with others. Perhaps use of electronic media, e-extension and agricultural reforms in the shape of revised KVK system, ATMA, village level rural development, self-help groups and agri-information Kioses needs introduction. A detailed description of how communication and information can help production and sustain yields has been discussed (Wani 2006) . Thus improvement in Agricultural productivity has to keep pace with advanced communication and information technology using computers. In these pages we shall discuss role of communication in agriculture technology application for higher productivity and profits per unit of land. 4. 8. On the job, training opportunities on farm mechanization and agriculture. This denotes maintenance of a balance between food security and environmental protection or purity. This is what would be future intelligent Agricultural Management. Our limitations in expanding our exports are infrastructure to provide international biosafe packaging, phyto sanitation & quarantine measures. The present problems of low soil fertility, reduction in yields and soil salinity have arisen due to excessive use of chemical inputs in farming with little care of the soil. Therefore to avoid these ill effects we have to link strong information and communication methods for soil mapping, annual rainfall data, rain and climatic forecasts with farming operations (Wani, 2005). The chemical farming resulted in the soil degradation, water pollution, soil erosions and soil salinity .By now we face land degradation problems in 173 million hectares which is around 53% of cultivated land. The chemical farming hazards of poor soil fertility, low water availability, pollution and environmental concerns impede our agricultural development. The total disciplines needing grants may be strengthened in 5 yrs by 1 core grants to each discipline for quality assurance. This was due to poor perception & vision to fore see the net results on long time frame. Critical yield gap reduction. The production system prevailing with these farmers is a mixed farming or composite farming. The international standards of sanitation shall need more awareness at farmer?s doors. Reduction in yield gaps through effective use of information and communication technology will have a significant impact.
6. The information input, output and intersystem communication were studied. Our integrated & mixed farming practiced by our farmer?s needs improvements which is not forth coming. These educational reforms should involve schools, colleges and Universities. The green, white and blue revolutions gave us food security. For efficient communication internet and mobile telecommunication have been identified as important components. Biotechnology, Bioinformation, Biofertilizers, pesticides and fungicides. Organic farming is advocated as modern technology. In the present era of bio-safety, phyto and zoo sanitation have assumed tremendous importance. An outreach through communication and IT is the only achievable solution. The international computer networking and communication systems alone could help in decision making for appropriate and economic viable agricultural production. (Ghosh 2002). It is time for sustainable agriculture. 3. We need to bridge the gaps between potential and actual yields at farmers level. Similarly, the land degradation, mineral depletion and environmental pollution demands new mechanism to boost productivity. SPOT ? LITE is a low cost, off the shelf satellite data product from ACRES that is ideal for use in Geographical information system (GIS). The development of an information and communication network integrating modern software (Java, GIS) and hardware (GPS, internet) technologies in a new user friendly manner is necessary to achieve better acceptance of technologies and improved productivity (Lutticken, et al 2000). 3. Our AGR target ought to be double the PGR. The product even if economic and globally competitive has to pass quality tests. The data obtained from ground stations is processed at a facility via a high speed communication link and high priority processing. 1. Therefore to avoid these ill effects we have to link strong information and communication methods for soil mapping, annual rainfall data, rain and climatic forecasts with farming operations (Wani, 2005). Therefore, Agriculture educational reforms are on our door steps to harvest the gains of common economy in the SARC and total Asian region. It is known that it improved crop productivity under low availability of water. 14. A teacher-student-farmer-industry, interaction and co-operation is to be developed. Roaming teaching taught system on holidays and Sundays. The region is rich of energy and oil resources and millennium buzz word is open boarders and common market with first priority on peace, confidence and trust. New targets for future educational planning and policies need to have more information and communication technology. The farm visits, farmers calls, letters have to be intensified. 4. Precision Agriculture till date has focused on site-specific data collection for soil and crop management. The modernization of the material and technical information base helped Cuba to increase agricultural production and rural development on a pilot basis (Albelo. Advance studies with high applications for increasing agricultural production needs quick dissemination. Thus a strong case for tools and information management comes into force. The rapid evolution of information science demands quick and speedy transfer of technologies, awareness & even subject reviews to farmer?s for speedy application. The international phyto sanitation standards are going to be tougher. Indian Economy is a agri-centre economy which supports 70% of our population, as direct rural employment . Inspite of ranking I in milk production our exports are meager. A composite ARS system has to be introduced with strong basic of communication and IT. Unawareness of these support system could lead us to bankruptcy. 11. Welding communication with Agri -technology is the need of the hour. We should make use of mud waste, farm yard manure, waste cakes, municipality wastes and green wastes for increasing phosphorus, nitrogen and micro nutrients in the soil. 5. The immediate need is to make researchers akin with information technology and advanced communication. Technology transfer is easy. The role of competitive farming, economic survey and evaluation of farming and women?s integration needs attention. Like wise production of 100 million tones of wheat from 25 million tones of wheat from 25 million hectors needs a productivity of 4t/hac. USA tops the world list with 3,62,79,842 cited publication/annum, with small country like Switzerland at No.10. I. Thus, for enhancing agricultural production, communication tools have to be used. (Yadav, 2002). Organic Farming. We are at present going astray to our need. Farmers need information on markets, bio standards and marketing research and networking mechanisms. The basic tools of marketing premotion of fertilizers in India was studied. We need to increase per capita consumption expenditures of Rs.600 per month. This organization and evaluation is not possible without use of modern and applicable communication methods. A true transparent and open system of selection both for Management positions and scientific positions should be advocated. This will demand inter and intra faculty harmony and synchronized course curricula at UG, PG and Ph.D level. 10. This scenario resulted due to incomplete innovative approaches of research. One with love for country side and farmers alone could execute this task properly. 12. In contrast to USA and European agriculture our necessity is to increase ?Crop ?livestock-fish-plant integrated production system with multiple livelihood opportunities?. Teacher-student-farmer-industry-interaction-work plans-self learning by living with farmers. Our prime agenda should be quality Agricultural Education. The whole system of Agricultural research, teaching and extension in NARS needs renewal. Another vulnerable class in India is small (holder). 5. Those at top have to exercise truth, justice and fairplay. The communication linkage improved the productivity. Use of satellite data- (Star and Spot ? lite) helped time ? critical dependant applications in Australia. The results suggest that while communication networking opens up agricultural economy, it is not cost effective. The information like advertising, public relation and personal selling was found to be best promoters. All programmes in the field should be participatory. A new trust is to be given to course curriculum integrating field practices in a partnership mode with farmer. Our researchers blindly advocated more and more use of fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides, which helped to gain grain revolutions, but left legacy of polluted water, air & environment with degraded soils. Changing standards for individuals is a crime. 2. Strong warning systems for climatic risks, floods and cyclones, pests and mites could help to raise more crops. Researchers lack training in using new information technologies. New faculty development in all the Universities and colleges is to be executed in coming 5 years. A country where 70% population is connected with agriculture for livelihood directly or indirectly and 80% of its export is agricultural oriented. Blending subsidies with agricultural exports will need a drastic cut under new WTO agreements. 1. The present day information and communication technology has trespassed all barriers of race, religion, culture and countries. Pest information and survey; Risk Management Analysis; Decision support system; Geographic information system. This would take years if communication methodology of video conferencing, internet and related satellite technological advancement in communication is not used. An attempt was made to have quick information flow among and between researchers, extension officers and dairy farmers in East Azerbaijan, Iran. This all will need incorporation of new themes like post-harvest management, value addition, packaging, communication, credit and market information services in our course curricula. Web and web designing have made invisible teachers to unknown students. It will ensure quality training and job improvement of skilled manpower for use in Asian Agri development Market. (Oguya and Bellamy, 2001). 1. This is because of poor ?zoo-sanitation and Global lobiest are critical of our disease free status. SPOT-LITE can be accessed at any time via the internet and is available in the form of tiles covering most of Australia (Thankappanm 2001). 13. The climatic disasters, earthquakes, Titanic tsunami, floods; have effected our agricultural production in the past and additional requirements needs to be kept in mind while planning food security. These revolutions debarred future sustenance. The productivity would be better if technological advances are adopted and their impact is known. India with 25% of its GDP from agriculture spends some 12% of GDP on its subsidies rather than on transfer of technology. Thus a new multidimensional change in academic curriculum is envisaged. Much of it has remained frozen if not dead within the fore walls of institutions. The application of precision agriculture has to be clubbed with information and communication networking to harvest the gains and to improve productivity. An estimated food grain of 210 million tons at present may need to be doubled in next 10 years. When we review our performance we are no where in top ten of most cited agriculture publications in the World. New educational policies so drafted shall be non-discriminative, comprehensive , transparent and accountable. 2002). Now reverting back to our own traditional ways is fraught with problems too. For up-liftmen of region we need training education and human resource utilization. 15. Their case is further complicated as they do other work additionally as the small holdings is not sufficient to sustain them. 7. We perhaps jumped in adopting or testing technologies without comparing them with our own practices. 8. In 1948 malaria took lives of 2-8 million people in Malaysia. The location specific, crop and soil specific innovations to farmer?s practices are few. Indian Agricultural pride years of green revolution post 1968 saw reduction in food gain imports and subsequently white, blue and other revolutions sustained our population pressures and agriculture growth. The chemical farming resulted in the soil degradation, water pollution, soil erosions and salinity. Our research institutes mostly aped the experimentations on commercial farming of west with few modifications and even additions at times. Our agricultural growth rate (AGR) need to be equal if not more to population growth rate (PGR). Imports of food grains, an anomaly over past decade, needs problem- cause- analysis. 2. World trade and tariff regulations have to be accommodated. Our contribution to Agriculture publication is 5.48% only with our share of citation at 2.32%. Thus refined technology, participatory research and educational modules are needed. M.S. About 18% of it has turned as shallow land. Kissan call centre (1551) and the Zraye Paigam shall widen the messages. 6.
Therefore, a new strategy to use crop stubs, waste tree leaves, waste orchard residues and other agriculture waste material for improving soil has to be advocated. Quick and fast measures are needed to unify our educational system, involving all agriculture and allied disciplines, industries, corporate sectors and farmers institution. Thus a balance between food security and environment purity is to be maintained in developing countries. The emergence of diseases like Mad cow disease or even SAARS being linked to animal cultures and other diseases from Agricultural & Livestock products warrants biosafe agricultural produce. Higher productivity gains can be achieved through application of technology and production recommendations at farmer?s fields. Et al. 16. The economic viability of an agricultural product has now more importance.
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